fought example sentences

Related (10): battle, combat, engage, wrestle, struggle, clash, skirmish, confront, contend, war

" fought" Example Sentences

1. The two rivals fought for decades.
2. The soldiers fought bravely in the battle.
3. The boxer fought valiantly but lost the match.
4. The protesters fought for their right to vote.
5. They fought against all odds.
6. She fought back tears as she told the story.
7. He fought his way to the top of his career.
8. The young nation fought for its independence.
9. The firefighters fought the raging flames.
10. The champ fought off several challengers.
11. They fought for equal rights for all.
12. The firefighters fought the blaze for hours.
13. The gladiators fought to the death in the arena.
14. He fought hard to save his marriage.
15. We fought against the injustice.
16. The allies fought together during the war.
17. She fought against discrimination all her life.
18. The duelists fought at dawn.
19. The demonstrators fought with the police.
20. They fought for social justice.
21. The enemy troops fought to gain control of the bridge.
22. The children fought over the last cookie.
23. The lion fought the bear in the arena.
24. They fought side by side for freedom.
25. The villagers fought the invaders.
26. The activists fought against child labor.
27. The two siblings fought constantly as children.
28. The protesters fought the police blockade.
29. The superheroes fought the villains.
30. They fought for months on end.
31. My thoughts fought for dominance in my mind.
32. The woman fought her entire life against prejudice.
33. The two nations fought a bitter war for 10 years.
34. They fought against tyranny.
35. Their ideas fought for supremacy.
36. The Jets fought the Patriots in the big game.
37. The demon fought to gain control of the body.
38. The disease fought to survive in her body.
39. The crowds fought to get into the concert.
40. He fought his own doubts every step of the way.
41. Her conscience fought against doing the wrong thing.
42. The committee members fought over the budget.
43. They fought over every detail of the plan.
44. The animals fought over territory and resources.
45. The protesters fought back against the police.
46. The two siblings fought constantly as children.
47. The armies fought on the bloody battlefield.
48. The disease fought back against the medications.
49. The contending views fought for acceptance.
50. The siblings fought like cats and dogs.
51. The protesters fought for their cause.
52. The masses fought for change.
53. The two teams fought it out on the soccer field.
54. The young couple fought against all odds.
55. They fought injustice everywhere they found it.
56. The gangs fought over turf in the neighborhood.
57. The demonstrators fought violently with police.
58. The candidates fought a bitter campaign.
59. The rivals fought for supremacy.
60. The armies fought relentlessly for months.

Common Phases

fought for their lives
fought tooth and nail
fought side by side
fought against long odds
fought valiantly
fought to the death
fought a losing battle
fought for a cause
fought a fierce battle
fought like cat and dog
fought back tears
fought a relentless war
fought with all their might
fought a good fight
fought courageously
fought hard
fought desperately
fought bravely
fought off an attack
fought for freedom
fought to the bitter end
fought nobly
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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